
Showing posts from June, 2021

Myth : Product Based company is better than Service Based Companies

Most of us has a common thinking that Product Based Companies are good in Learning than Service Based companies. and also Startups are good in learning than in MNC's   Well yes, we agree to disagree above mentioned lines or facts/ myths. Myth/ Imagination (Majority Thoughts): We all almost think, there is a good learning platform is waiting for us at Product based companies to grow in Career as well as in wealth. Product Bases companies is almost/ entirely employee ideas driven company In service based companies people work like Robots, and Do what organization says to employee. At Service Based, No Employee is heard for his Ideas for Companies Growth Startup have lot of exposure MNC’s only have knowledge on particular stream line or narrow path. MNC’s don’t expose their work culture to Employee. They keep it as a secret.   Reality/ Practical Work Life (Majority Thoughts): Even in Product Based companies, they have Clients/Customer. Most of the Product companies rush / dict

Foreign Craze over Indians! Boon or Bane

  Now a days almost everywhere whether it could be in studies or in job , foreign onsite  Because they do really get extra ordinary knowledge out there or because they r getting extra ordinary Currency exchange rate. Yes Because let us assume if one day, Our country currency is exceeding the currency over other countries. Whether these few people still prefer foreign to live or settle? There is an almost same goal Initially they start with 6 months 1 year or 2 year then begins the extra ordinary story they yell for Green card Yes right. And they don’t want to cancel Indian assets They want to be in both country and enjoy both treasures. And once they visit Our country for a while, they start blaming What is this traffic, what is this pollution bla bla bla That second, we strike to our minds. Areyy yar till before 2 years you lived here for almost 25 years in this same shit. Now suddenly how u r giving a awkward reaction as if u have brought in abroad. Pollution