
Showing posts from October, 2014

How Igloos Work

Recommended tools: Snow saw or large knife Snow shovel or snow spade A couple pairs of waterproof gloves Find an area with a lot of dry, hard-packed snow. Use the snow saw or knife to cut large blocks -- the harder the snow is, the more solid the snow blocks will be. Your snow blocks should be about 3 feet long, 15 inches high and 8 inches deep, according to "The Complete Wilderness Training Guide." Smooth the edges of the blocks. Place them in a circle, working your way up. Blocks should decrease in size as you work upwards. Using your shovel or saw, cut a hole under the wall to create the igloo's entrance. Overlap the blocks and shape them to lean inward, creating the dome. The blocks should support each other in order to prevent the dome from collapsing. If necessary, use a stick or other support in the interior to support the blocks at the top until the dome is finished. Once all the blocks except the las

Hand Pump working

Working of Hand Pump   Hand pump is used for bringing water from earth and is used almost every house in the world . But do you know how does hand pump work ? There are many reasons of hand pump's working . Since starting water pump from ancient time , water pump is operated under the principle of  pressure theory . There are two plunger , one is top side and other is bottom side and which is sealed by valve. When with hand pressure , top plunger will rise above and take some water but bottom plunger which is sealed by tight valve , will not send it again to wall . So , water will reach outside and after this we can use this water 

How helicopter flies

Anatomy of a Helicopter: The Blade Are Spinning and the Engine Is Running Sikorsky and a few of his contemporaries brought a technical rigor to the field that finally made vertical flight safe, practical and reliable. As the flight-crazy Russian continued to refine his helicopter designs, he worked out the fundamental requirements that any such machine needed to have to be successful, including: a suitable engine with a high power-to-weight ratio a mechanism to counteract rotor torque action proper controls so the aircraft could be steered confidently and without catastrophic failures a lightweight structural frame a means to reduce vibrations Many of the basic parts seen on a modern helicopter grew out of the need to address one or more of these basic requirements. Let's look at these components in greater detail: Main rotor blade -- The main rotor blade performs the same function as an airplane 's wings, providing lift as the blades