
Showing posts from October, 2015

Six Sigma Achievement in India By DabbaWala

The Dabbawala – Six Sigma Sharing 6 in Share 0 “The system the dabbawalas have developed over the years revolves around strong teamwork and strict time-management… Tata, Coca-Cola and Daimler have all invited dabbawalas to explain their model to managers.” -The Economist, Management Trends, 2008 The dabbawala are an incredible organization of over 5000 people in Mumbai. The word “Dabba” loosely means “lunch box”; “walla” means carrier or deliver man. But them together and you get “Lunch box carrier”. In this case it refers to a stackable tin box used for hot meals called the tiffin. The dabbawala was set up in 1890 to carry lunches from home to office for British administrators who would not carry their own lunches in public. Today it serves a similar function form the commuters of Mumbai – home to 17 million people. Every day, for a very modest fee, the dabbawalas collect freshly cooked meals

Octopus is the coolest animal ever

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