
Showing posts from September, 2015

NASA finds evidence of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars

NASA told us it was announcing something big today, and it's certainly come up with the goods: the space agency says images from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) have revealed compelling evidence of liquid brines flowing across the planet's surface. The seasonal rivers of salty water mean there's a greater chance of Mars being able to support life now or in the future. As far as space exploration goes, it's one of the most significant and historical announcements in many years, but it's not completely unexpected. NASA scientists have known for some time about the appearance of gullies or dark streaks on the surface of Mars during warmer weather - while it was suspected that trickling water was the cause, the new evidence means NASA is now almost certain. What's changed is that the agency's scientists have managed to identify and track hydrated salts in these gullies - using an image spectrometer on the MRO, the NASA team has been ab

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Self-styled pilot connects 54 drones and takes them for a spin

world’s first manned amateur drone flight, with an intrepid British inventor hitching 54 drones together and then taking them for a spin down at his local park.   There are hobbyists and then there are hobbyists . It’s safe to say this guy is the latter. What you’re seeing here is what may well be the world’s first manned amateur drone flight, with an intrepid British inventor hitching 54 drones together and then taking them for a spin down at his local park. “The Swarm”, which is the name of this seemingly home-designed contraption, is described by its creator as a “Manned Aerial Vehicle Multirotor Super Drone”. Footage of its maiden human-carrying flight was uploaded to YouTube by user gasturbine101 last week, although at this point the exact identity of the world’s first drone pilot remains unknown.